Friday, November 26, 2021


Anyone who has a lapcat can relate to this condition: a numbness in your legs after your loving cat has spent a good amount of time on your lap. The condition, Feline Paralysis Syndrome (FPS), while temporary in most cases, can be painful and a bit of a hazard when first getting up on unsteady legs after a lengthy session with your furball. Often your cat, after settling in and getting comfy as well as filled with pleasure from the ear scritches, long strokes and belly rubs, can exhibit grumpiness when asked or "helped" off your legs. Sometimes your cat will displace his/her feelings by dumping over a nearby wastebasket or stomping off and slugging a feline roommate. 

There is no cure for FPS. One can only attempt to train your cat (ha, ha, ha yeah right) to realize that these loving sessions are short or minimize his/her displacement by staggering out to the kitchen to fetch a snack.

Good luck to us all.

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes cheat by fidgeting until the feline decides to get down.
