Friday, November 26, 2021


Anyone who has a lapcat can relate to this condition: a numbness in your legs after your loving cat has spent a good amount of time on your lap. The condition, Feline Paralysis Syndrome (FPS), while temporary in most cases, can be painful and a bit of a hazard when first getting up on unsteady legs after a lengthy session with your furball. Often your cat, after settling in and getting comfy as well as filled with pleasure from the ear scritches, long strokes and belly rubs, can exhibit grumpiness when asked or "helped" off your legs. Sometimes your cat will displace his/her feelings by dumping over a nearby wastebasket or stomping off and slugging a feline roommate. 

There is no cure for FPS. One can only attempt to train your cat (ha, ha, ha yeah right) to realize that these loving sessions are short or minimize his/her displacement by staggering out to the kitchen to fetch a snack.

Good luck to us all.


Up here in snow country, the fireplace season has begun with blustery days of wind with rain and snow. Perfect time to settle down in front of the electric box and watch something tasty. We stumbled upon a couple of gems: a pair of quintessential works by Charles Dickens from our friends at the BBC. Both are satire with the author's keen observations on social issues, the stifling rigidity of the English class system, the plight of women and children and the spectrum of human cruelty and kindness. Part of the fun are the Dickens' trademark names he came up with that in most instances, reveal the character of the person. Pecksniff from Chuzzlewit, a snobby social climber; Smallweed from Bleak House, a vicious small time landlord and moneylender are good examples.

Both novels are episodic and to our modern sensibilities, soap operaish with dramatic cliff hangers at the end of each section. Indeed, this was a brilliant marketing method by the author as he serialized his work: Chuzzlewit between 1824-1844, Bleak House 1852-1853. At the height of his popularity, crowds would wait on the wharf in NYC to get their hands on the latest installment. It is to our great fortune that the following versions are of 6-8 one hour long episodes that do justice to the work. It would simply be criminal to try and confine these books to a 2 hour film.

Martin Chuzzlewit: the main theme concerns selfishness and it's ruinous impact on a human being and those around them. In the story center is an extremely wealthy old man nearing the end of his days and the machinations by relatives to get a piece of the fortune. From 1994 starring Paul Scofield, Pete Postlethwaite, Tom Wilkinson and John Mills.

Bleak House: an indictment of the English Chancery Civil Court system where litigation could take decades to resolve. Here, a case involving a will has all claimants on tetherhooks with dreams of wealth and status perpetually frozen and, as the old joke goes, no one is getting rich but the lawyers. From 2005 starring Gillian Anderson, Carey Mulligan, Charles Dance, Nathaniel Parker and Warren Clarke.

Available from BritBox which can be accessed via Prime. For the cost of a couple of lattes...($6.99), cancel whenever.



Thursday, November 25, 2021





Karmyn Valentine, The Way It Feels, 2016

One of many prison artists featured in an exhibition at the Broad Museum, MSU. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021


Blue Jays love peanuts and an enjoyable activity for us this past September, after the hoards of mosquitos finally subsided, was lining up 4-5 peanuts on the pool deck railing. Jays can spot peanuts from quite a ways, utter a call to announce their intention and swoop down to grab one, fly away and return. We have 3 Jays and we wonder if they are a family: Ma, Pa and teenager. Quite entertaining on a warm evening after supper while sitting on the deck. Great fun for those who have children and grandchildren. 

Mark Twain tells a great yarn about  the Jays' collecting habit in A Tramp Abroad: 



An original and intriguing DIY indie film by childhood pals, Alexandra Kotcheff and Hannah Leder, who assumed nearly all scripting, performing and production duties. Filmed in a small Californian desert village by the Salton Sea, this debut feature took nearly 5 years to complete as the actresses fit the project in while working on other jobs and as funds allowed. The Planters very much echoes the deadpan whimsy of Wes Anderson films with a dash of Lynch and bits of claymation. 

Kotcheff plays Martha Plant, a telemarketer selling air conditioners who sucks at her job. Her parents have recently died in a horrible accident. She has a peculiar side gig burying items in the desert and putting them up for sale. One day while burying something, she meets a wandering woman (Leder) who, as a non-violent mental patient, was recently released from the local facility because of budget cuts. Martha takes her in but soon discovers the woman has 3 personalities: Sadie, sweet and intelligent with a Jesus fixation; Emma, a 4 year old with major potty training issues and Angie, a party-hearty girl. 

The film was released in September 2020 and is curiously prescient (work began in 2015) of what the world was experiencing because of Covid. Death of parents, isolation, lack of friendship, contact and TLC from another person-all universal themes of the human condition. While some plot devices are well-worn, this is a sweet and loving film by Kotcheff and Leder full of wry social commentary with clever and fun bits. Not a direct spoiler alert but worth mentioning to pique your interest: the ending scenes point to a Eastern Orthodox peculiarity: the Holy Fool and that Kotcheff is of Bulgarian descent.

It took me a while to warm up to the film, to enter that particular universe but patience paid off with a heapin' helpin' of enjoyment. And with a running time of only 78 minutes, it's not a huge investment of time.

A personal note: my first job getting out of high school was working as a telemarketer. My job was to cold call people to get them to come to a info meeting involving vacation property in Northern MI called Lakes of the North. Four hours in the evening, minimum wage, a bonus for each sucker, I mean potential client, who signed up. I probably did this for a month before starting what later turned out to be a 25 year stint with Kroger. 


Friday, November 12, 2021



Heaven... I'm in heaven,
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak...

I was grumbling to C about a continuing frustration: we have tupperware lids with no bottoms and bottoms with no lids. 

J: Where the hell do these things go?

C: They run off with the missing socks.

Thursday, November 4, 2021





QAnon believers gathered on November 2  in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, TX convinced that John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr.  would appear around 12.30 pm CT. John Jr, it is believed, having faked his 1999 plane crash death, was reappearing to run as Donald Trump’s vice president in the 2024 elections.

No comment necessary.

Monday, November 1, 2021


Last week, dear old Mark Zuckerberg introduced to the world his latest product to help mankind. After all, that is the obnoxious conceit of this man whose internal jingle is the ditty from the 1971 Coca Cola commercial "I'd like to teach the world to sing (in perfect harmony)". In his latest endeavor, META, he proposes we escape all the crap in the world by putting on virtual reality glasses ($200 from Facebook), buy a subscription and spend hours with favorite avatars for people and places. I can imagine the kind of drooling this concept evoked in the world's facist leaders. Get people hooked on this device, create incentives for them to spend more and more time in virtual reality all the while, you and your cronies rape, pillage, terrorize, murder with impunity and turn the real world into a hell on earth. Think of the synergies! Think of the profits!

I think the following would be a fabulous META ad geared to address FOMO anxieties of so much of the 1st World population.
With many apologies to:
Songwriters: Hatch Anthony Peter
Downtown lyrics © Welbeck Music Ltd., Smack Hits, Universal Music Works, Warner/chappell Music Ltd.
Keywords are bold, in red and italicized.
When you're alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go
When you've got worries all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help I know

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?
The light's so much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go META 
Things will be great when you're
No finer place for sure
Everything's waiting for you (META,META)
Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows
Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close
Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with 'em too before the night is over
Happy again
The light's so much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go META
Where all the lights are bright
Waiting for you tonight
You're gonna be alright now (META) 
And you may find somebody kind to help and 
understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand
To guide them along
So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go
 Things will be great when you're
Don't wait a minute more

Everything's waiting for you (META,META)



                                                                                                                                               William Perugini

In today's Times, there was an essay by regular contributor Margaret Renkl reflecting on her turning 60 years old. One of the passages was particularly touching and in my opinion unusual:

...This is just who I am now, a person who looks exactly like her late mother, despite far more exercise and a far healthier diet. Besides, I loved my mother, and I love seeing her again in every store window I pass.

I do not think I have ever heard such a loving and positive expression by a woman about her mother. Usually, it's "ugh, I look just like my mother." So many women I know don't have such a fondness for the one who made them. All the "baggage" from growing up and adulthood with deep archives of anger, hurt, disappointment and worse. Tis a shame.



C and I had not discussed a theme-we just started carving! Curiously, we chose the same idea: eyes. Mine (left) is a rendition of the 3 eyed alien from the classic Twilight Zone. C's (right) is a portrait of Leela from the animated series Futurama. It becomes more apparent if you squint and imagine her eye is looking down.