Thursday, December 24, 2015

Two Guys Talkin'

B-Not too shabby out.
J-Yeah, no wind.
B-So-marking your territory? Watering the leaves?
J-The pause that refreshes.
B-You guys crack me up when you go wild.
J-What? It's dark out-not like I'm flashing the shrubbery.
B-LOL no, it's just that you make such a novelty out of it.
J-(zip) Welp, let's go in. Let me get the slider.
B-Thank you sir-ahhhh, nice in warm in here.
J-Yeah it is. Let me go get some refreshment.
B-(stretching on couch)ohhhhhhhhhhh that feels good.
J-Everyone else in bed?
B-Yeah, Mom crashed a while ago and the Calico is in the hall.
J-Silly girl, why is she there? Did you two fight?
B-Nope. What do you have there (sniffing)? Ah, the sherry. Hmm, not the cheap stuff either. Harvey's eh?
J-Hey, the Perez ain't cheap-And here's something for you.
B-Ohhh, Aunt Karen's Little Bag of Joy? Very nice indeed. (inhaling)
B-Daayyyemmm, that's some good nip.
J-Only the best bud for my Best Bud. Slainte! (takes a good pull of sherry)
B-Slainte! To the return of the sun!
J-To the return of the sun!
B-Ohh, mannnnnnn.(rolling)
J-Been a helluva year.
B-You're making money, getting into shape,Mom's doing well. How's your bro?

J-Recovering. He really dodged a bullet. I'll call him tomorrow.
B-Good to hear, man. What were those doctors thinking?
J-I dunno but they nearly killed him. Hey, who's coming in?
M-Joyeaux Noel, boys.
J/B-Happy Christmas, Madame.
J-(whispering) Did she bring anything in? I am not in the mood to be chasing a Mickey around.
B-Naw, we're good.
M-I'm just going to get a snack and go to bed. You boys don't stay up too late.
B-We won't. See you in the morning, Madame.
(sound of kibble crunching)
J-Where's Cali?
B-Oh, lurking around somewhere I am sure. Ready to give me my Christmas punch.
J-Nice. A new form of wassailing. Hey, got the munchies?
B-Is the Pope Catholic?
J-Here you go (opening bag) your favorite fishy stuff.
B-(munching) ohhh so good, so good. Thanks! Something for you on the table.
J-Mmmmm Mozarts.
(logs shift and pop)
B-What were you cooking the other day that smelled wonderful? Tasty cow judging from the bits you gave me.
J-Ahh, well that was the mushroom mixture for tonight's shepherd's pie and tomorrows dish. I grilled the steak and did the shallots outside.
B-Weird-grilling in December and not freezing your tail. So-tomorrow's feast?
J-Tartlets: mushrooms and caramelized shallots for Mom, steak and shallots for me, side dish of steamed whole green beans with romesco sauce.
B-Mmmmm sounds good. Nice and simple. Tartlets using puff pastry?
J-Yes-and whodathunkit-Pepperidge Farms is vegan!
B-Well, that's a time saver.
J-You bet! I'm pooped out-7 straight days at work. I don't feel like doing much.
Hell, I worked until 6.30 tonight.
B-Oufff. Well, man-it's warm, I've had a snack and I am high. I'm turning in. Happy Christmas.
J-(scritching) You too. Have a good winter's nap.
V-Jeffrey, I thought I saw Michael.What has happened?
J-Dad,he flat-lined.
J-He had a calcium imbalance which pushed his blood pressure. His heart stopped.
V-I saw him. Is he ok?
J-Yes, they brought him back.
V-It is not his time.
J-How are you? What is it like out there?
V-I can't talk to your mother-she doesn't dream.
J-She needs to leave, Dad.
V-You know, I nearly died on Christmas Eve. They came across the river. And we came this close. And in the morning we saw. I dreamt about that for years.
J-How is it out there, Dad?
V-Take care, son.
B-Hey, man-you're dreaming-talking.
J-My father was here.
B-You were asleep. Go to bed. I'll explain in the morning.
J-Ohh, ok.
M-Are you going to tell him?
B-No, he doesn't need to know.
M-Ok. He's fragile for an ape.
B-Stronger than you think.

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