Sunday, July 26, 2015

Two Guys Talkin'

B-Whew, hot one!
J-I hear ya-finally summer. Tough having those fur pajamas, though.
B-At least your tomatoes like it.
J-You bet! Glad to see you're healing up. You knucklehead.
B-Son of a bitch came back and I whupped him.
J-Well it looks like you got whupped as well. Geez man, matching set of scars on either side of your face. You look like an old prize fighter.
B-Whatever. Mom's looking good.
J-Yes, she is! All done with the radiation, hair coming back. Weight where she likes it.
B-I like the GI Jane cut but I think it will be interesting to see how it evolves.
J-Me too. Who knows where it will go. Bottom line: this part of the journey is over. She's feeling good-eating well, sleeping well and getting back into the work. 
B-Glad she took our advice to rest up and heal for awhile.
J-Well, you guys are experts at that!
B-(stretching) of course! You're the driven apes. Oh, congrats to your species for flying an object past another uninhabitable rock. Well done! Not that the rest of us on the planet gives a shit but good for you!
J-Certainly faint praise indeed.
B-Does this accomplishment put pate in my dish? NO! How much money was spent on this and you have folks starving? Oh, wait-that's in the Third World so who cares. They'll make more who will have short and brutal lives. But man, they can have pix of some effin' piece of rock billions of miles away. Yeah, that will fill the belly.
J-Are you done? What's got your fur in a twist?
B-17 reasons.
J-Ohhhhh, the Republican candidate dwarves?
B-Well one of those bastards is going to be president.
J-Wow, writing off Hillary already?
B-Statistically, she doesn't have a chance in this cycle. And she's a Clinton without Bill's charm. There's not an authentic bone in that woman's body.
J-Sounds a little sexist although considering you're a cat, not sure if this applies.
B-Just saying, dude-that woman has more baggage than a bi-polar widow with three dead husbands. Besides-let's just say for the sake of argument, she manages to win. Can she govern? Hell, the Right hates her more than Obama and shit hasn't gotten done in the last 8 years. You want 8 more years of this crap?
J-And they will cozy up to that Socialist Sanders?
B-I love that son of a bitch. He'll just give them the finger and fight it out in the court of public opinion.
J-Hmm, so a latter day Harry Truman?
B-Yep and he'll fuck Wall Street and all those lobbyist whores that push the legislation.
J-Wow-I didn't know you kept up on all this. You're doing better than 90% of my species and you can't vote!
B-Sad ain't it? Most of your kind are dumber than a box of calicos. How else did Dubya get elected TWICE?
J-Uhhh the Supreme Court helped?
J-So, what's behind this passion about our politics? It really doesn't impact on you.
B-You are the dominant species in the dominant nation state. We've learned to keep an eye on things. Things do impact us. All of us.
J-Well, I am not any happier than you. Once again, hold nose and vote. Especially with several in the Supreme Court in their 80's. 
B-Yeah, that's an effin' nightmare waiting to happen.
J-I think it will go with the Establishment's anointed: Bush, Clinton.
B-Well, you better pray it isn't one of the assholes like Walker. Oily and crazy. I mean, just what kind of future does he and his ilk see for the country once they do everything they want to do?
No middle class left to buy anything. When it finally sinks in that the American Dream is dead-it will get ugly, man-I have seen this in the past. Burn, baby burn. But back then all you had to deal with was the National Guard killing a few of you. Now, send in the drones and some asshole sitting in a bunker in Nevada will be launching missiles into the protesters. He'll be medicated (in the morning cup of joe), brainwashed and disconnected from the killing so he won't give it a second's thought. Push the button and those traitors go up in a blast of smoke. Medal, baby!
J-Whoa-pretty bleak future, man.
B-Hopefully I'll have some lag time before the next reincarnation and miss all of it. 
J-Oh, stop it-(scritching ears) no reason to get morbid.
B-Sigh, I know. Oh, it's cooling off. Mom's gone to bed.
J-Yep. The fireflies are out. Finally, a breeze. What's the moon?
B-Waxing gibbous. Mostly cloudy, though.
J-There she is.
B-Mmmm, nice night. Whatcha drinking there?
J-Snout out of the glass, man-Cuba Libre.
B-Perfect for a warm evening. Just need a beach and ocean breeze. Some comely felines....
J-Well, my comely feline is snoozing.
B-You apes and your pair-bonding. I don't understand it. Variety is the spice of life.
J-There is a lot of security when you just have one over the years. You know they have your back. There's comfort in that. And, they know you and have seen you at your best and worst and have chosen to stay. 
B-We don't live that long-maybe that's part of it.
J-Could be. It works for us and the other works for you. One is not better than the other.
B-What's that on the spinner?
J-Segovia, original recordings.
B-I recognized the Bach. Man, all of this has made me peckish. How about a snack and a refill?
B-And then let's go and see if Big Stampy is out by the feeder.
J-Doesn't take much to make you happy does it? LOL
B-Hey, I want to know where the big guy is. I was thinking of retiring to one of the deck chairs. Thanks for putting the cushions out, BTW.
J-My pleasure. C'mon. Let's get some chow. And then I gotta piss.
B-Off the deck??
J-You bet. Always fun watering the garden at night. Skeeters are finally scare now. Hard to explain bites on the equipment, lol.
B-Good times!!


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