Friday, March 8, 2013

Follow-up: the slippery slope

Well,the administration had to respond to Rand Paul's challenge-after all, they are continually chastising Syria's President Assad for killing his own people-kinda hard to have any moral credibility if they have the authority to do the same in America on the books. So, in typical White House non-answer answer:

".....the administration directly answered the question at the heart of Mr. Paul’s filibuster. No, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a letter Thursday to Mr. Paul, the president does not have the authority to use a drone to kill a United States citizen on American soil who is not engaged in combat.
Mr. Holder did not say how the president would determine who is an enemy combatant. And he did not back off his statement on Wednesday that the president has the authority to pursue military action inside the United States in extraordinary circumstances, an assertion that helped set off Mr. Paul’s filibuster." New York Times, March 8.
The door is still open. 

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