Thursday, August 1, 2024


Aliens coming to Earth and doing bad things to humans is a consistent theme running through the plot of The X Files. Mind fuck experiments, nasty probes and nefarious implanted chips are commonplace. I had not read much sci-fi growing up-my earliest exposure were TV shows like One Step Beyond, The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone. It turns out that the origins of these shows goes back to sci-fi Pulp magazines in the 1930's. 

Astounding Stories was one such publication edited by writer John W. Campbell Jr who used the pseudonym of “Don A. Stuart”. The image above features one of his stories "The Invaders", a dark, gruesome tale of aliens who stop by and do very bad things to our species including a riff on the Twilight Zone classic "To Serve Man". Would you like a fine chianti to go with that?


In the July 27 FSS post, I had written about the audaciousness of the Kamala campaign, not remembering the famous Obama tagline and book " Audacity of Hope". I am reading that conservative pundits are using this reference and sniffing that Harris is nothing more than a warmed-over coat tail of Barack Hussein Obama. Welp, in these here United States, anytime for a person of color, no less a woman, stands up and tries to lead change whether it be in their neighborhood, school, job or local, state, national government, they have to be audacious. And courageous. What do you think you are doing? Get to the back of the bus!

Certainly, one aspect of all this uproar, is that it is clearly showing the fault lines in our society. And what we are hearing is the squealing of a very loud and prone to violence group of people, a minority who are shrinking and shrieking as they wither away like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz.

Released in Summer of 1966 "She Said, She Said". I must have gotten this as a Christmas gift-I would have been 12 years old. I was gobsmacked as it sounded quite different than the earlier Beatles work. I always dug this song as well as "I'm Only Sleeping". When my folks would go out shopping, I would stay home and play it loud!

Someone has lost most of their tail! I think it's Liza.


Marooned! Two astronauts have been stuck for 7 weeks on the ISS while Boeing tinkers around with fixing their POS Starliner so the crew can come back home. I saw where the crew had to come out and make a statement-of course the man did the talking-trotting out this piece of corporate BS: "We're not stranded" and "Human spaceflight is not easy...". Poor bastards. Hope you get home, alive, for Xmas. 


I was surfing YT and came across a 1950 government film "Self-Preservation in an Atomic Attack". It begins with cheery high school football "rah rah" brass band music and a Master Sergeant having a chat with young male privates. The kids are making jokes about getting their uniforms altered to accommodate angel wings as the conventional wisdom concerning an attack was pretty much "bend over and kiss your ass goodbye". The narration becomes stern with Jack Webblike delivery: "when you get a warning, don't stop to ask what's cooking. It may be you". The Sarge had seen the pics of Hiroshima and wanted to make clear that this is serious stuff. All sorts of helpful advice such as if there is a warning, get below ground, ideally with a bunch of concrete (they have a concrete fetish) between you and the blast, tips if you are caught in the open, getting rid of irradiated uniforms (if you make it).  

Overall stated message: your survival depends on YOU (or if you get cooked, it's your fault. Never mind the government getting you into this mess to begin with). Oy.

Another YT vid concerned the early settlement of America by England. The Virginia Company hit upon a scheme to include women whose purpose was to provide the majority male settlers with wives who give them some company and make a family just like back home. It was tough times for women back in the 1600's: the life path for most was to go from their father's house to their husband's house. But it was poor times and a lotta guys weren't fabulous prospects. The Company looked for and encouraged women to develop marketable skills like weaving and pottery, both of which would be needed in the New World as well as a potential money maker for the Company. It's expensive to fund settlements!

You can bet that MAGA cult will scream bloody murder if Kamala wins and (gasp) does her job as President of the Senate and certifies the Electoral College vote even if the results make her President of the United States. Such a thing has happened in the past:  four vice presidents have been able to announce their own election to the presidency: John Adams, in 1797,Thomas Jefferson, in 1801, Martin Van Buren, in 1837 and George H.W. Bush, in 1989.


Buddy enjoying the afterglow following a yoga workout with C. 

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