Thursday, July 11, 2024



A shot rang out in the cantina. The local police happened to be there and saw the whole thing. In a corner where a poker game was being played, a man stood up and shot a pitcher of sangria sitting on the table. When asked why he did it, he replied "the sangria, it was messing with me!" The police sent him home with one of his buddies.

The Dancing Forest

H. Padleckas

A pine tree forest planted in the 1960's on a sand spit located in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia are twisted into several patterns, such as rings, hearts and convoluted spirals bending to the ground.

There has been no explanation as to why these trees have grown into these curious shapes. From a recent doc: " has baffled scientists and captured the imagination of visitors..."


Al Naslaa Rock, Saudi Arabia


From Wiki:  a large sandstone rock split neatly down the middle into two parts, both balanced on small pedestals. The overall shape of the rock is due to wind erosion and the chemical weathering made possible by the moist conditions in the protected underside of the rock. It is split in two by a joint. 


Hessdalen Lights

From Wiki: The Hessdalen lights are unidentified lights which have been observed in a 7.5 mi stretch of the Hessdalen valley in rural central Norway  periodically since at least the 1930s.

They appear both by day and by night, and seem to float through and above the valley. They are usually bright white, yellow or red and can appear above and below the horizon. The duration of the phenomenon may be a few seconds to well over an hour. Sometimes the lights move with enormous speed; at other times they seem to sway slowly back and forth. On yet other occasions, they hover in mid‑air.

There is no consensus amongst scientist what is causing this phenomenon. 


 Lake Baikal, Russia

Lake Baikal boasts many things: the world's oldest lake, among the clearest, largest freshwater lake by volume and the deepest. Fun fact: in winter, hovercraft is the preferred transportation on this expanse of ice. 

Methane bubbles under the ice

Some notable purple prose from a doc:

"Winter transforms this body of water into a symphony of whites and blues."

"Stalactites dangle from the ceiling of caves, producing a crystal palace effect. Bathed in daylight, they shimmer in a mesmerizing sky blue."


In the middle of an volcanic crater on the island of Madacascar, there is evidence of human dwellings. Check out this doc from VOX:

Bad design:

It begs the question: is OH! brand going to introduce a Girl Syrup any time soon?


Catbird: these little guys have been around the past couple of weeks. Smaller than a robin with a call that resembles the mewing of a cat-I'd say it sounds like a bird with allergies. 


I came across a vid on Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest organized faiths on the planet originating in Persia 2000 BCE. Its concepts of monetheism and an eternal struggle between good and evil later influences the Abrahamic traditions of Judiasm, Christianity and Islam and the Greeks.

Their priests were known as Magi or magicians. I wondered if the Christian tradition of the Magi visiting baby Jesus had anything to do with Zorastrians? According to the vid, by the time the event was getting integrated into the Jesus story, especially as Christianity was making serious inroads in the Roman Empire, there was a fierce ideological campaign between Christianity and Zorastrians faiths. Could this tale of Magi coming to worship Jesus part of this campaign-signalling the prominence of Christianity by the Church fathers?

Fun fact: the name of the Creator of everything and all that is good in the universe was Ahura Mazda, a name later appropriated by a Japanese car maker.


I was watching a doc about owls. The producers chose to write the opening like a gothic thriller: Ghost Killers! Merciless predators whose presence makes small mammals blood run cold with fear! The score had a certain Tim Burtonish feel about it. Oy.

As I was watching this, Bud was stretched under the dining table to the right of the couch. There was a section of owl calls. I looked over to see how Bud would react. He was unconcerned, saying "it's still light out so no worries."  We do not have daylight owls in our area. Imagine how life really sucks for small mammals where they have both day and night owls-they live in constant fear.  However, the daytime owls don't dominate the environment as their night brothers and sisters do. Daytimers often have worry about hawks and foxes.

 Fabulously trippy Simpson's couch gag by Bill Plympton.


Exactly what was the forbidden fruit that Eve ate in the Garden of Eden? Some religious scholars say the apple’s association with the forbidden fruit might have started when the Bible was translated from Hebrew into Latin. The Latin words for “evil” and “apple” are both versions of the word malus. More specifically, the Latin word for “apple” is mālum, while the Latin word for “evil” is mălum.

After that, Renaissance artists such as Lucas Cranach the Elder painted Adam and Eve in the garden with apples, furthering the idea that the forbidden fruit was an apple.

If the fruit wasn’t an apple, what might it have been?

Because the Hebrew Bible describes the forbidden fruit only as peri, the term for general fruit, no one knows. It could be a fruit that doesn’t exist anymore. Or it is simply a metaphor.

 Silphum plant has grown! Probably 7' tall.

New rose of sharon plantings replacing the Japanese willows:


7/8-first monarch seen in East Garden this year. How many generations did it take for your folk to go to Mexico and back?

Stock photo

Around the Diner and Back 40:

One of the Chuckettes emulating Mum-isn't time to be on your own?

A Chipper having a bite

Liza taking a break on a muggy day

Happy accident-the purple finch's color matches the daylilies

It's Deck Yoga with Buddy!

Afterwards-wrapping his arms around his Mum

7/9-7/10-remnants of Hurricane Beryl pays us a visit. She originated from a tropical wave of low pressure that moved off the coast of Africa  south of the Cape Verde Islands on June 22. 


Rain started here in the evening and it rained steadily throughout the night ending around 1.30 pm.  My rain gauge showed 1.4". At the airport, 2.10" was reported. East Lansing took a big hit with some areas flooded due to over 7" of rainfall.

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