Sunday, July 21, 2024


The White Shaman Mural

Hunter-gatherers who lived here from about 2500 B.C. to A.D. 500 created these paintings. Located in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of southwest Texas, a mile upstream from where the Pecos River flows into the Rio Grande, the White Shaman rock shelter is carved into a cliff face at the end of a limestone canyon. Here, in a small alcove, a 26-foot-long collection of pictographs stretches across a smooth wall that faces west. 

A digital re-creation of the mural which has faded over the centuries.


The Cochno Stone:

Original drawing by W.A. Donnelly 1895

From Wiki: The Cochno Stone is a large cup and ring marked rock at Auchnacraig,Faifley, West Dunbartonshire,  Scotland, next to the Cochno farm.

The Neolithic-Bronze Age (3300-1200 BCE) rock art  is found on a stone measuring 42 by 26 feet, and was documented in 1887 by the Rev. James Harvey. It features around 90 carved indentations, considered to be one of the finest sets of petroglyphs in Scotland.

The stone was reburied in 1965 to protect it against vandalism. In 2015 it was partially re-exposed for investigation during a 3-day dig by a team involving archaeologists from the University of Glasgow, with a more complete re-exposure following a year later.

The purpose of the stone is a puzzle to scientists-some speculate that it is a star map and/or celestial event calendar. 


The Shigir Idol:

Vladislav Postnikov

From Wiki: The Shigir Sculpture, or Shigir Idol, is the oldest known wooden sculpture. It was carved during the Mesolithic  period, shortly after the end of the last Ice Age, and is twice as old as Egypt's Great Pyramid. The wood it was carved from is approximately 12,000 years old.

The sculpture was discovered on January 24, 1890 at a depth of 13 ft in the peat bog of Shigir, on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals,  near the village of Kirovgrad. It was extracted in ten parts and over the course of years, the final reconstruction suggest that the sculpture stood over 16 feet high. Several theories suggest its purpose: a totem, a territorial warning to outsiders, navigational aid, depiction of creation myth by those who made it.  










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