Saturday, November 18, 2023



When I was working at an insurance company, one of the more enjoyable aspects of the job was where our building was sited. It was built into a side of a slope with the rear overlooking a bend in a creek in a wildlife protected area and our offices had nice big windows. Our wild residents included coyote, fox, Canadian Geese who nested near the creek, weasels and a variety of water birds. Of course, we had a great number of deer in small groups, usually Moms and their young. During the Winter, they would band together with numbers reaching up to 20. We would see them in the mornings, walking their usual paths with steam rising from their backs as their body warmth and the sun burned off the overnight frost/snow.

One November during the rutting season, we had front row seats for a deerski brief encounter.  A female had trotted over the creek and up a rise directly in front of my office probably 50 yards away and stopped. Following her, on the other side of the creek was a 12 point buck and he was taking his time. My boss, who was a experienced hunter and I watched for a bit before he suggested we go up to the upper level for a better view. This was the underwriting wing and we stood by the window watching the event unfold...very, very slowly. Our colleagues, always curious about what we were up to, joined us. Soon, half the floor including the company VP were watching. The buck had taken 5 minutes to take 4 steps! According to my boss, who had witnessed mating before, this was typical behavior. Someone suggested that popcorn should be made. A betting pool quickly formed as to whether or not Bucky was going to get lucky. The doe stood there quietly, looking over her shoulder every so often to see how her proposed lover was doing. It took Bucky another 10 minutes to take a few more steps. Speculation was rife: some wondered if it was his first time. A couple of women wryly chuckled how that brought back memories. Finally, the Department Head quietly suggested that perhaps we should  give them some privacy (hint hint time get back to work, folks). My boss and I went back downstairs and when we returned to our office windows, the would-be lovers had vanished. The event was the highlight of our week although some vocalized their disappointment at missing a chance to witness some wild LUV.

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