Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Hello friends! My goodness, where does the time go? I was looking back at some old posts and realized that I had writing the blog for 10 years! The inaugural post was on March 3, 2013 and ran under the Two Guys Talkin' banner. My original premise for the blog was to explore inter-species relationships through the lens of my cat Bin. Of course, what he thought is unknown-it was a means to fold in my personal observations and opinions via Bin's part of the conversation. A precursor years before was a movie review called Mo' Movies beginning in 2001 a la Siskel & Ebert with a German Shepherd named Wagner as my chatting partner. With Bin, I expanded the subjects we talked about and I began writing about our lives with the cats, the garden, the wild critters that we share this patch of land with and a potpourri of other things that I found interesting, humorous and sometimes ribald. Occasionally, I would post some micro-fiction and much rarer, poetry that I had written. TGT ran until July 1, 2021 following Bin's death that June. The blog's name was changed to Halušky, later Haluški. TGT became an fictional publishing company that included Inter-Species Books.

I'd like to thank my readers for their continued interest and support. I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog as much as I had writing it. I look forward to many more years!

So, the very first post:

J-You comfy?
J-Mind the claws. They're down by the family jewels.
B-At least you STILL have yours!    
J-Oh please, let's not get started on THIS again.
J-Settle down, will you? I am sorry about your knackers. But give it up, bud. They're gone. 
J-Look, can we get started? And get your snout out of my coffee.
B-Smells good, I sense Irish Coffee Creamer in this morning's cup.
J-That's right but it's not for you. You think everything is for you.
B-Why not? You and Mom are always giving me stuff. How am I to know?
J-Oh, let's not get into the “I'm just a poor kitty-kat” routine.
B-You say “Oh” a lot don't you?
J-What?? Can you get your tail out of my face, I can't see the keyboard.
B-Mmm, can't touch type can you?
J-Not at this time of the morning, no. Will you stop squirming around?
B-Mom makes a nice lap.
J-Sigh, yes she does. Can we get to work?
B-What is up with you humans and the “W” word? More naps and less work and you all would be a lot happier.
J-Thank you O'Bindiwan. How did you want to do this? A more formal exchange? Friendly banter like we are doing now? Simply movie reviews? Or a hodge-podge of reviews, pictures, music from You Tube? Do we want to share personal stuff such as you just did about your long-gone knackers? That's a bit TMI, bud.
B-Shrug-it's the truth and no need to be sarcastic. You're the one who named me. Personally, I like this format. Gives me a forum. And I like the hodge-podge. Gives you a forum. Win-win.    
J-Cool. You gonna watch movies with me? You generally sleep through most of them. 
B-I can catch up while you are at work or when you are sleeping. Besides, when you and Mom watch, you have a fire going and it's soooo nice and cozy. Just perfect for a snooze.   J-Sigh, you know how to use the DVD player as well? And the remotes?
J-Not too shabby for a walnut brain without opposable thumbs.
B-Oh this again! The brain size and your precious thumbs. Who is doing the telepathy here?
B-Sorry man, but this gets on my nerves.
J-Sorry, just kidding around. I was being ironic. 
J-Geez, you're sensitive today. The calico giving you grief again?
B-When is the Parisian psychopath NOT giving me grief or a fist to the grill?
J-Sigh. I'm sorry, man. Someday, she'll accept you. How about some pate?
B-You bet! (jumping down) Thought you'd never ask.
J-I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for some pate today.
B-Follow the tail!



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