Sunday, September 24, 2023


Mr. Burning Bush grudgingly joins his tribe in turning his leaves red-albeit a token amount. Younger bushes have already turned but as they get older, this happens later. Our Bush is elderly but complies with his culture's rules.

A new challenge for our young squirrels: find the yellowish peanuts in with the yellowish birch leaves that are starting to fall.

It says a lot about an islander and his culture who finds a body on the beach and the crows have already begun pecking. After calling the police, he stands nearby to ward off any crows until they arrive.


Warm days and cool nights have inspired our 2 year old forsythias to bloom.

The hydrangeas' pink has deepened to a rose color.

Garden bounty 


The Bombay Blood or hh blood group is a rare blood phenotype first discovered in Mumbai (then called Bombay). It was discovered in 1952 by Dr Y.M. Bhende. This blood phenotype is mostly found in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and in some parts of the Middle-East region. The Bombay blood group is a very rare blood group that is usually present in about 0.0004% (about 4 million) of the total human population. Even rarer is is Rh-null. Fewer than 50 people in the world have this blood type.


In Faithorn, MI, SE of Iron Mountain near the WI border, a 2 year old toddled off into the woods with her two doggies and disappeared. Later that night, searchers found her-asleep using one dog as a pillow while the other stood guard. Such good boys!

Canadian Geese seem to be everywhere these days-out in harvested or mowed fields having a meal, flying low over trees and houses and their calls are heard frequently. They group up and rotate their buffets, a family reunion of sorts having meals together before some take off for the long flight ahead of them. 

Why do some stay while others leave? Depends on where they were born-if up in Canada, they will migrate south to find open water and grasses then return to nest. Because of warming Winters where bodies of water stay ice-free longer, they are wintering more often in MI. In fact according to the DNR, the goose population continues to increase. And thus, they nest here and as well as those following generations.

Fun goose fact: Iron containing short nerve branches in the upper beak of geese (and other birds) may serve as a magnetometer to measure the vector of the Earth magnetic field (intensity and inclination) and not only as a magnetic compass, which shows the direction of the magnetic field lines.


We've begun to see a new cat in our neighborhood-a medium sized black male. I first spotted him spraying the catmint by the mailbox. He tried to trot off but he was holding his right front paw up although he was ok walking. He showed up at the Diner yesterday around suppertime sampling some scraps on the giving stone. (we've posted predator warnings for our customers) He was seen by LT up in the birch who barked out warnings with major tail whipping. Bud was lounging on the pool deck when the cat went under the deck. Almost immediately, Bud smelled him through the spaces between the boards. C went to investigate and picked him up. Evidently, over her shoulder, DHS spotted the Black Kitty and went into combat mode. C remarked that Bud suddenly stiffened and his eyes went intense. She carried him off the deck and of course he immediately sought out the interloper. We held our breath wondering if there was going to be a fight but heard nothing. We went back to supper and Bud joined us on the grass next to the tomato boxes with a clear view of the Diner. The Black Kitty was seen moving up the berm on the other side of the honeysuckle heading West.

Sigh, this could well be a feline trying to expand his territory, something our boy won't appreciate much. We hope there isn't fighting especially at night. But, we also hope The Black Kitty has a home. Stay tuned.

Equinox around the yard


DHS on his Eastern Outpost

Sedums have turned

Mr. Honey Locust Tree's children. Production of pods varies year to year.


Two Men and a Truck ad with the tagline "we treat your belongings like we treat our grandmas". You gotta wonder how many people when moving grandma to a care facility actually thought Two Men could just toss grandma in the back with her stuff? Beats a plane ticket or having a lengthy drive with her in the back seat kvetching.


Curious bit of image repair for Gordo, who is well-known for a career of kitchen savagery towards employees. Incredibly wholesome? You mean the guy who walks up and slams shut your laptop? Oi vey!

It is the rawness of the Blues that white people couldn't handle and the directness of men/women issues that are expressed. Topics involving sex and alcohol caused many (especially the Baptists) heads to simply explode. Keep children away from this music in order to maintain control over them. It got worse for such parents-the music evolved into rock n' roll! Lame efforts to try and sanitize the music by having people like Pat Boone cover Little Richard was laughable and failed.

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