Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Two Guys Talkin'

B-Hoowhee, it's nasty out there!

J-You're the one who wanted to go out-hey-dude, DUDE-go shake yourself off by the fireplace will you? Geez.

J-All's well on the perimeter? Not a creature stirring...?

B-Not really. Aww man, that fire feels good.

J-Run into anyone we know? Snowing
B-Yeah, saw Mean White. I was convivial, he was not, the old sour puss. It is snowing but it's mixed with rain and there's a lot of wind. Filthy night.

B-Is everyone asleep?


B-Mom ok?

J-Mom's gonna be ok.

B-We're worried.
J-I know, buddy. (scritching an ear). Been one helluva year.

B-Next year will be better.

J-I hope so. I'm tired Bin. Tired.

B-It's gonna be fine. You'll find work.

J-I got to deal with people and I am tired of dealing with people and all the dysfunction.

B-There will always be dysfunction-in varying degrees. You just have to work past it. It's how you apes are.

J-Yeah, I know.

B-Maybe you will be surprised. You cannot rule out the chance. Otherwise, you won't get out of bed. And you still are getting out of bed everyday.

J-I have things that need to be done.

B-This is just another. And, not to sound too Obiwan, it will be what you make of it.


B-Good supper tonight. Thanks for the bits. Mmmm cow.

J-It turned out-I was pretty happy and of course, so was Mom. She is very easy to please. I am so lucky.

B-We all are. She's the best!

B-It will be a good New Year. You'll get a cool job, Mom will have new boobs. It's all gravy!


B-C'mon now, it's all good! Have been getting enough ketsup? Has the shrink mentioned anti-depressants? A bit less of the vino might be helpful-it's a depressant you know.

J-Are you looking for a billable hour here? Double time because it's Christmas Eve? Sheesh, dude.

B-Just sayin'. Hey, there's a package for you on top of the stocking.

J-And here is one for you-thank you.

B-Oh yummers-it's fishy, I can smell it through the wrap. Oh, oh so good.

J-Mmmm as are the Mozarts.

B-How's that sherry (despite what I just said)

J-Tasty. And, no offense taken. I need to address it.

B-A bit of confidence and you will be just fine. I heard you hollered at the radio station, you old crackpot, lol.

J-Well, it's just annoying, these “Jesus is the reason for the season” people. Hello! It's Chanukah too! Not to mention the very old practices that the Christians ripped off. And to state it in a public broadcast without at least putting it into a form of expressing a personal belief...just too ignorant and too blatant to not address.

B-Well, I wonder if the station manager had a word with the lad?

J-Sigh, I hope so and I hope it didn't cost him his job although I suspect he is one of the volunteer hosts. Nevertheless, he needs to be mindful of his audience.

B-I'm sure you will be written off as a Social Justice Warrior.

J-Probably. Shrug-F'em. The religious folk are getting on my nerves. Oh, god is great so I will explode myself in the market.

B-Now that is quite a leap from some immature kid running his mouth on the radio.

J-There's only a few steps between them on a very slippery slope, man.

B-Ok, Ok.

B-Put another log on, will you?
J-Sure. I'll be right back with a refill.

B-Ahhh (stretching on his side) How did the kolache turn out?

J-Not too shabby considering the amount of changes to the recipe. Could be better though.

B-You're funny, always want things to be better. That causes you to suffer but I guess that's just an apetrait.

I read your blog-your mother is in a bad way, eh?

J-Yeah, it's just sad, she had such a good mind. I miss talking to her-to Dad as well.

B-Well, you know we don't have relationships with our fathers and only a short one with our Mums. But we do bond so I have some understanding of your sorrow. If we are taken too soon from Mum, we tend to have this need to relive our kittenhood. Look at the Grey Meat Loaf and her needy behavior with Mom.

Strange brew, that one. She can be so cranky and judgmental, lording over the Calico and me that she is a Queen but then revert to a kneading, mewing kitten requiring a bunch of lap time. Oi.

J-Well, we all are what we are.

B-Yep. (yawning) Oh, it's time for a long winter's nap. You staying up?

J-Yeah for a bit-boy it's really coming down. Hey, what's that?

B-(ears moving forward) on the roof?

J-Yeah. I hear bells too.

B-I thought I heard them awhile ago across the street but just figured something had carried on the wind.

J-Shhh! Footsteps? No, it can't be.

B-(whispering) Yesssssssssssss. You better scoot. Did you leave a snack for him?

J-(whispering) Yeah, kolache and a snort of sherry.

B-Good man!  Go on, now.

J-Ok, Happy Christmas, buddy. Give my regards to the old gent. And tell me all about it in the morning.



B-You've been a good lad. Wishes come true to those who deserve. And he delivers. Happy Christmas.

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