Monday, May 12, 2014

Same Time Next Year

At our feeder on Sunday afternoon: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
A better photo from Wiki:

About this time every year since we moved to our house, this little guy has stopped by for a day or two. He winters in Mexico/Central America and flies back here to breed. Helluva long way to go to perpetuate the species! I wonder if it's the same bird or perhaps this location was passed along in the genetics of his offspring. Or, do birds have Trip Advisor?

Name: Sunset Drive Wildlife Habitat  *****
Owners: C and Jeff
Location:  42.73N 84.65 W
Description: Lovely habitat for residence or stopover. Healthy food, comfortable lodging. Fairly quiet residential area close to large woods, ponds, stream.
Amenities: Feeder, birdbath with larger pool nearby, trees of all sizes, shrubs, good undergrowth. Expanse of lawn for wormers.
***** I live here all year and I can't say enough good about this place. C and Jeff are great, the feeder is always filled even when it's cold and snowy. They even put out extra goodies like suet and bread.
A. Chickadee
**** I don't know what Sparrow's problem was-we had a wonderful time and will return next year. A. Bluebird
Trip Advisor administrator: A. Sparrow has been blocked due to violation of site agreement.
F-U Red!!! A. Sparrow.
Yes, it does seem that Sparrow is holding a grudge. And who knows this really happened. He could just be a troll. Poor baby didn't get anyone to mate with so he's lashing out. Go away sparrow. A. Cardinal
Re-Re-Deathtrap-Oh, it's always easy for you to say-you big birds never get picked on. Well, let me tell you, I lost 3 cousins at that place. Watch out for the fat, grey cat-who knew that lump could be so quick. A. Sparrow
Re-Deathtrap-Sure, we saw the cats but they never bothered us. You do need to keep your wits about you at all times, for crying out loud. What a whiner. A. Blue Jay
* Are you birds insane? What they don't tell you and evidently no one has had the brains to mention-this place is a damn deathtrap. THEY HAVE 3 CATS!!! They don't call it SUNSET for nothing!!! You stay there and it will be your last day on Earth. A. Sparrow
*****Great place, good chow. Plenty of tall trees to holler at the ladies. I stay here year-round. A. Cardinal
***** Very nice-I stop by every year after wintering in Mexico. Tasty food and the bird bath is always wonderful. I love the nearby pond. A. Grosbeak

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