Monday, May 19, 2014

Those Crazy Americans or Our First World Problems on Parade!

What is WRONG with people??!!

by KING 5 Seattle Healthlink

Posted on May 9, 2014 at 6:11 pm
Updated Tuesday, May 13 at 10:37 am

Since the boom in the local foods movement, experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have noticed a spike in something else: salmonella.
It seems more people are getting sick from their backyard chickens, and it may be because they are getting a little too friendly with their flock.

Chickens are not only a source of fresh eggs. They can also be a source of sickness.

People just don’t know that healthy chickens, ducks and other poultry carry germs like salmonella,” said Casey Barton Behravesh, a zoonotic disease expert with the CDC.

Over the past two decades, there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of salmonella linked to live poultry. Five people have died.

The latest outbreak was linked to chicks supplied by a mail-order hatchery in Ohio. More than 60 people in 23 states have fallen ill, including one in Washington. The true number affected is likely higher, but so far there have been no deaths.

For every single case of salmonella infection that’s reported to public health officials, CDC studies estimate that there’s as many at 29 others out there,” said Behravesh.

A majority of patients are young children. Cases often spike after Easter when parents order chicks as gifts.

Most illnesses occur when chicken owners treat their birds like family, bringing them into their homes. More than one in 10 owners admits to kissing their birds.
 And I wonder how many kiss on the lips???-editor

Don’t kiss the bird!” said Behravesh. “You can show your affections in other ways with a simple pet or something like that.”

While there’s no need to limit your interactions with chickens, do not let them in the house and wash your hands.

The hatchery released a statement saying they are working with the USDA on a voluntary salmonella reduction program.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Two years! Our friends Steve and Sue sent a lovely card entitled Owl and the Pussycat: The Journey Continues. Yep, that's us-an unlikely couple of a Water Girl and a Woodland Creature. To invoke both last year's celebration in Bimini and Mr. Lear's enduring poem:

They danced by the light of the moon.
Heidi Swedberg and Daniel Ward performing a charming ukulele duet
and inspired reading of the Owl and the Pussycat.
Happy Anniversary to you, with much love, my dear Watergirl.
Original photo courtesy of

Monday, May 12, 2014

Same Time Next Year

At our feeder on Sunday afternoon: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
A better photo from Wiki:

About this time every year since we moved to our house, this little guy has stopped by for a day or two. He winters in Mexico/Central America and flies back here to breed. Helluva long way to go to perpetuate the species! I wonder if it's the same bird or perhaps this location was passed along in the genetics of his offspring. Or, do birds have Trip Advisor?

Name: Sunset Drive Wildlife Habitat  *****
Owners: C and Jeff
Location:  42.73N 84.65 W
Description: Lovely habitat for residence or stopover. Healthy food, comfortable lodging. Fairly quiet residential area close to large woods, ponds, stream.
Amenities: Feeder, birdbath with larger pool nearby, trees of all sizes, shrubs, good undergrowth. Expanse of lawn for wormers.
***** I live here all year and I can't say enough good about this place. C and Jeff are great, the feeder is always filled even when it's cold and snowy. They even put out extra goodies like suet and bread.
A. Chickadee
**** I don't know what Sparrow's problem was-we had a wonderful time and will return next year. A. Bluebird
Trip Advisor administrator: A. Sparrow has been blocked due to violation of site agreement.
F-U Red!!! A. Sparrow.
Yes, it does seem that Sparrow is holding a grudge. And who knows this really happened. He could just be a troll. Poor baby didn't get anyone to mate with so he's lashing out. Go away sparrow. A. Cardinal
Re-Re-Deathtrap-Oh, it's always easy for you to say-you big birds never get picked on. Well, let me tell you, I lost 3 cousins at that place. Watch out for the fat, grey cat-who knew that lump could be so quick. A. Sparrow
Re-Deathtrap-Sure, we saw the cats but they never bothered us. You do need to keep your wits about you at all times, for crying out loud. What a whiner. A. Blue Jay
* Are you birds insane? What they don't tell you and evidently no one has had the brains to mention-this place is a damn deathtrap. THEY HAVE 3 CATS!!! They don't call it SUNSET for nothing!!! You stay there and it will be your last day on Earth. A. Sparrow
*****Great place, good chow. Plenty of tall trees to holler at the ladies. I stay here year-round. A. Cardinal
***** Very nice-I stop by every year after wintering in Mexico. Tasty food and the bird bath is always wonderful. I love the nearby pond. A. Grosbeak

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Molls murdered a baby squirrel today bringing it in to C's study as an offering. Poor thing-it was barely six inches long. I buried it in the back 40. I need to get over these things-the crew do what they do as they are hunters but this event shadowed the entire day. Nice day to work, though-mid-60's-I screened the compost pile began the first year we arrived-gosh, it's four years. Just let the day flow-weeded, moved stuff out of the shed-the planters, the bird bath. Wind came up around 3pm and it turned cold. Mr. C seems to have adapted ok to his new digs in my study-he is beginning to molt-thank goodness C looked it up otherwise I would have freaked. He is a strange critter unlike the katters with whom one interacts. He just spends his days slowly moving around, occasionally zipping out his extraordinarily long tongue to snag a cricket for a snack. Otherwise, seemingly unmoved by anything I do despite the warnings of pet store employees-"Oh, they are difficult. Prone to heart attacks. Anything can set them down a fatal path". Great.

Saturday Night Music

War's 1971 existential "Slippin' into Darkness"
begins with a piney woods Baptist testifyin' slamming
 into some of the best funk grooves of the decade.
Can I get a witness??!!!! OOOOhh take my mind beyond the trees!!!

The Boss covers traditional antebellum negro spiritual:  "O Mary Don't You Weep" 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday Night Music

Dana Falconberry's Possum Song

Two Guys Talkin'

B-What the hell, man!  

J-Well, hello to you too.
B-What is going on around here?
J-I don't know what you are talking about. Calm down and watch your claws.
B-Don't be coy with me pal. Mom's not here very much and you are here quite a bit. And what the hell is going on in the basement?
J-You are going to give yourself a stroke. Now relax. It's end of term so Mom is working a lot.
B-Ok, what's your excuse? Why aren't you leaving in the morning?
J-Well, bud-I lost my job.
B-WHAT!!?? Are we going to starve? Are we going to become homeless?? Oh, oh, oh.
J-Dude, stop it. Mom is still working-we are going to be ok. The food dish won't go empty although everyone could lose a few lbs.
B-Yeah, well you resemble that remark.
J-My, we can get ugly. Look, the company I worked for is moving to Florida and no one up here was invited to go along. It's all good-I'm going back to school to get training for a new job and in fact, I'll be adhering more to my old schedule for the next couple of weeks. And...after next week, Mom will be home all the time until August.
J-Well, I hope that is for both of us.
B-Uhh, sure-glad for you, man.
J-That's not exactly effusive. Does everything revolve around food and attention with you?
B-Is there anything else? Remember, we don't give a shit about war and building stuff like you apes. Oh, you need to add sleeping to that list. Yep, that pretty much sums it all up, thank you very much.
B-Now, what about the basement and yes those are my back claws in your upper thigh.
J-Are you trying to rendition me, asshole?
B-Do I look like Rumsfeld to you? C'mon, now. I just want you to share.
J-All right, all right. Mom agreed to help out one of her Chinese students.
B-By taking care of his small tree that is enclosed in a screened-in box? Hmm, this is beginning to smell.
J-Sigh, well what goes in the box is the guy's chameleon.
B-Say what?
J-Yep. A reptile.
J-Now come on, you are getting worked up for nothing. He doesn't do anything, just hangs on to the side of the box.
B-Ya know, we tolerate you guys feeding those filthy birds and those tree rodents but now a reptile.
J-At least it's not a snake.
B-Dude (shudder) don't even mention those things -they give me the willies.
J-Me too. Look, it's only for a couple of months, we are closing off the basement bedroom-he won't bother you-you won't bother him. Everything is cool.
B-I dunno man, I don't like all these changes.
J-(scritching behind an ear) I know buddy. It's going to be ok. What are the girls thinking?
B-Well, Psycho thinks it's something for her-typical, eh? And Fatso thinks it's something against her although I have no idea how she connected the dots and come up with that.
J-He'll be gone before you guys know it. 
B-What is he called?
J-Oddly, the student didn't give him a name. We call him Mr. C.
J-Like Mr. T-he's kinda has this gruff looking exterior plus Mr. C for Mr. Chameleon.
B-That's lame but what are you gonna do. I don't know this Mr. T anyway.
J-You don't know the crappy 80's TV show The A Team?
 B-How about some visuals?

B-Uhh, the reptile wears jewelry?
J-No, that's just a joke. Geez.
B-I don't see the resemblance.
J-Are you purposely being obtuse?
B-No, I just think it's stupid.
J-Well, la-de-da. Why don't you just leave?
B-Boy haven't we been in a mood. You've been mean.
J-No, you have been extra needy and I have been busy.
B-Oh yes, those British spy series on You Tube must be part of your “studies”.

J-You can leave now. Don't let the door hit you in the tail.
B-Ok fine, I'll go see Mom.
J-She's busy-leave her alone.
B-I'll just go by her door and howl.
J-Nothing new about that. Run along now.
B-No snack?
J-Nope, you have a 'tude-no snack.
B-Oh and who has a 'tude? Fine, I'll tell Lard Ass to start bringing live mice in the house. You'll like that-with their bacteria-laden feces all over the place that you are so paranoid about. Hearing them scratching behind the drywall. Yeah, enjoy, asshole.
J-Oh for Christssakes, ok-c'mon-I'll get you a snack. Being 'effin blackmailed by a damn cat.
B-A proven strategy. Ahhh, score another one for the felines. A fresh can if you don't mind my good man-none of that corked, end of the can stuff you have been serving up. 
J-Hmm been watching Downton Tabby have you?
B-They do have the correct idea when it comes to staff.