Sunday, September 22, 2024


Boy, this Summer seemed to have flown by and this seems to be the consensus of conversations I have heard when out and about. It's pitch dark out by 8.30 pm-something I am not getting used to. Cooler weather is on its way.

Today, we are closing down the pool and getting the Winter cover on. The last of the tomatoes will be picked and next week, much of the garden will be taken out.

A few days ago, we had a visit to the Diner from the Turkey Bros. who had been over at Benny's:

One of the BentTail clan was at the buffet but paid these big boys no mind. They nosed and pecked around for a bit.

Eventually, they went over to Johnny's then moseyed back and headed to the empty field behind Benny's.
Much like the geese, they deployed a sentinel while the rest browsed.

None of this bothered the other Diners:

Mrs. Redbird looking like she is coming out of her molt

Our Stampy looks like he might have claimed one of the apartments under the shed as I have seen him duck into when spooked. I have named this one Duffy. A name that can be applied to either gender, based on a Irish origin of Dubh meaning dark. Duff seems to be staking out territory from Benny's diner to ours. I don't know if he is keeping both the apartment and the hutch in the brush pile but, I haven't seen MamaChuck in days. Perhaps she and her Gen Z child have moved out.

Old hamburger bun, yum!

The other morning as I was getting ready to run errands, I spotted out front a huge spider's web. 

Incredibly, there was a single strand coming down from the eaves. This is where the spider came from and she attached the bottom of her web to the daylilies.

Lazin' on the couch with Buddy-roo who likes to curl up with his back making contact with me.

Oh, belly rub, please:

It is his habit to hang out with me until C does her deck yoga and then rejoins her when we gather around the light box:

C, who is an expert at multi-tasking

We wish all a happy Autumn!

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