Monday, May 13, 2024


Friday Night Music: Death Cab for Cutie "Soul Meets Body"-earnest indie pop from 2005:


Delicious pun from C:

"This is the dawning of the Age of Asparagus..."

From English artist D.D. McInnis: "The Moon Who Dreamt He Was A Kite"

 Another British artist-Annie Ovenden, 'Murmuration over Lanhydrock Park

Master of camouflage from India: Oakleaf butterfly

Wat Sam Phran Temple in Thailand:

This 17 story temple is roughly 25 miles west of Bangkok.

In Thai art and literature, dragons are the most common mythical creatures. The dragon mythology of Thailand has a huge influence on Indian, Chinese and Japanese legends.

It should be noted that in Thailand, about 94% of the population is Buddhist. Thus, Buddhism has had an influence on Thai dragons. Moreover, Thai culture and history have a common past with Laos and Cambodia.

The beginning of a severe solar storm was evident on the evening of May 10, with a spectacular display of Northern Lights over North America and Northern Europe. This photo was made of St. Mary's lighthouse in NE England. The storm is expected to last a few days.

Owen Humphrey 

Similar displays were seen in the Southern Hemisphere. Here is a shot from Spring Beach, Orford, Tasmania:

Steve Long

Fallstreak or hole punch clouds

Jamie Vix

From Wiki:

A fallstreak hole is a large gap, usually circular or elliptical, that can appear in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds. The holes are caused by supercooled water in the clouds suddenly evaporating or freezing, and may be triggered by passing aircraft.

A divided sky:

According to an Indian Express news report, the visual spectacle is attributed to the shadow cast by a colossal cloud positioned below the horizon. This cloud obstructed direct sunlight, preventing it from reaching the clouds nearer to the ground and creating the illusion of two distinct celestial landscapes, the report further elaborates.

Pink Sand Beaches: Eleuthera & Harbour Island, Bahamas

One of 7 pink sand beaches on the planet, the result of red coral mixed with white sand.

In Derbyshire, England, a "plug hole" used to release water from the Ladybower reservoir:

Classic silly gardener sign:

Moose wanna lick your vehicle!

In Canada, to obtain minerals lacking in their winter diets, moose are licking chloride-based deicing materials from a rural highway. 

Capybara, native of South America, is the largest rodent on the planet. They are quite sociable, in fact they are everyone's pal. They will often be paired with critters of a different species who are withdrawn or lonesome.

I've noticed that in my neighborhood and those practically throughout the whole country, there is a prevailing aesthetic emphasizing the importance of the street view of the house and lawn. Something wild, weird or ostentatious out front seems to be avoided or frowned upon. While there is no HOA here, I think the realtors and township ordinances are partially responsible for the perpetuation of this ethic: you put something odd out front and your house won't sell. As well as since one person's taste isn't always agreeable to all-you can annoy many with an "eyesore" causing friction amongst neighbors. So, people often feel more comfortable displaying their eccentricities in the backyard where for some, it becomes their secret garden. 

Fun vids:

Weird Planet


Humpback whales forming spirals of bubbles as they hunt krill 

 Scuba diver and a school of fish:


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