Thursday, November 10, 2022



These crows thought that Wednesday morning breakfast buffet would be chock full of defeated Democrats and ballot initiatives. Instead, the menu featured assorted entrees of dashed MAGA hopes, a side of unpalatable creamed delusions topped with Donald's special bat shit crazy sauce and an abundance of sour grapes for dessert. 


Whew! What a relief especially here in Michigan. Big Gretch and her stalwart ladies Nessel, Benson and Slotkin preservered and all three ballot initiatives passed. Sure, it looks like the House is going over to the Opposition, which is often the case during mid-term elections. But if the Democrats can hang on to the Senate, then Biden will have to take a page out of Obama's playbook and in the face of a intransigent House, try and stuff done via executive action. There'll be a lot of noise from the GOP, investigations galore but the Democrats need to finally, aggressively push back and call out their Jr. High antics. They also have to stop, something I have hollered about for years, bringing a goddamn rolled newspaper to a knife fight. You wanna save democracy, well, you're gonna have to get down where they are in the gutter and get dirty. Fucking flowered signs proclaiming "Be Kind" ain't gonna cut it. 

Now, the Joe problem. Joe shouldn't run in '24. In fact, the facelift needed for the party should start quietly start handing out the gold watches to the gerontocracy, thank you for your service, and get some young blood into leadership. The bench right now is pretty thin. I'd back Gretch but I think her time might come in '28. She's a proven winner, can effectively work with nutjobs and has experience, maturity and relatively young (she would be 57). 

1 comment:

  1. I'd go along with that. And so would the Crow Bros, I think. They sounded pretty triumphant.
