Saturday, February 26, 2022



First bird out, the cardinal
fluffs and flusters round the feeder
scattering the overnight snow.
His missus arrives to breakfast
at a clean table.
Such a fine and conjugal bird!
"I'll warm up the car," says my husband.
Through the window I see him
brushing snow off the windshield
with his right wing.
Backstory: C witnessed this cardinal event yesterday morning. My real-life action was snowblowing the drive. The photo above was taken a couple of weeks ago.

Friday, February 25, 2022



I am heartsick for my Slavic sisters and brothers in Ukraine. 
No one in the West has the stomach for this fight because of the nukes. They are toothless, neutered dogs who can only bark wildly about "severe" sanctions. Putin has called their bluff and no matter how his own people suffer, he will continue pursuing his dream of rebooting the Russian Empire. After all, it's all about him. Meanwhile, the Chinese, every other dictator on the planet and the Republicans will break out their Festivus poles and start whining about their grievances and victimhood. What a bunch of snowflaky bitches.
If you behave, I'll let you buy oil from me. Otherwise, freeze and die in a ditch.
хорошего дня! (have a nice day!)


Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Since July of 2021, residents of South Lake Tahoe, Ca have been terrorized by a 500 lb black bear known as Hank the Tank. Nearly 30 homes have been broken into by Hank in his relentless hunt for food. Local officials from the California Fish and Wildlife have tried to deter him with paintballs, bean bags, sirens and Tasers with no avail. His mama didn't raise no fool: why forage when you can muscle your way through fences and doors and access dumpsters for scraps of Big Macs, fries and pizza? CFW spokesperson noted that such bears usually weigh 100-300 lbs  and his size is directly due to consumption of food that contributes to American human obesity.

I am surprised that the townsfolk have been so tolerant for so long. Considering the climate of incivility that has infected the country, I wonder when the public will turn up with torches and pitchforks at a town council meeting to demand the demise of Hank. Let's hope the town wisely has him relocated rather than killing him. He is just doing what we all do: trying to survive.

UPDATE: Based on DNA tests, it has been determined that there are actually three bears involved with the string of property damage events. I guess the blog title should now read "We own you bitches!".


Monday, February 14, 2022



After dropping C off at her office, I began my morning shopping. I arrived at Fresh Thyme 9ish and bumped into a morning cashier I had not seen since the holidays. She has a new job in the store: hanging shelf tags and signage. While we’re chatting, a middle-aged woman walks up behind my friend and begins inquiring about strawberries. She is talking directly to me despite my friend’s store attire of apron and name tag, standing next to a cart holding tags and signs. I’m bundled up wearing a stocking cap and mask with a bascart with a number of items in front of me. The customer continues to direct her queries to me as I silently listen. Finally, when there is a pause, my friend pivots, explains where the strawberries are as she invites the woman to follow her. I have seen this behavior before where a certain kind of woman of a certain age will go directly to a male for help. I guess they figure that employees in the higher levels of store hierarchy often are male. Why bother with the underlings? Go directly to those who know. My time is important!

I needed cash for the cannabis so I drove over to the credit union ATM. Oddly, my debit card was rejected so I had to go inside. The set up has changed drastically due to Covid-no longer are there counters manned by clerks. One checks in much like how you do when you get your blood drawn at Sparrow Labs: you punch in your name into a screen, then wait to be called by the next available clerk. It feels like having a personal banker. I explain the situation to the clerk who makes me a brand new card-I joke that the magnetic strip on the back is worn away from excessive use. I pay for everything with it. I had some time so I purpose a bit of an experiment: I’ll go out and try the new card on the ATM. If it fails again, then it was not the card but some glitch with that particular machine. So, out I go and sure enough, the card is rejected. I try the other ATM and here, I am successful. I go back in and report my findings. The clerk is pleased, thanks me and said she’ll pass along news of this incident. I parted with these thoughts: I had spent much time in retail and know how Fridays and especially those on the cusp of some holiday (SuperDooper Bowl) can produce difficult customers. Thank goodness this glitch was found now and not later where it potentially could produce howling mobs with pitchforks and torches. Yes, replied the clerk, the mob isn't scheduled until later.

My rheumatologist suggested I try tart cherry capsules as I was finding the liquid version either too expensive or hard to find thanks to our continuing supply chain problems. I had prescriptions waiting so I went into my usual Rite Aid. An older clerk helped me find the capsules and as a fellow sufferer, we exchanged anecdotes. While I have osteoarthritis mainly in the hands, this poor woman has it throughout her body. She said she had been on large doses of percocet prescribed by her primary for some time until he left.  According to her tale, he announced his retirement and told her to wean off the meds. Good luck and so long. This incident seemed to be a bit off. Really? This guy just split? No referral, no pamphlet on how to safely diminish the use of your pain killers? My reckoning is that this is a cover story, a spin on what actually happened. Perhaps the doctor wanted her to wean because she had been on them too long but she refused. He may have escalated in turn by refusing to prescribe in the future. Who knows. It’s a human trait that we create myths about events, for ourselves and others, to portray us in the best light. Folks don’t like admitting their faults whether they were addicts or that they support The Roach.

Coming out of Menards, I witnessed this incident. This happened a couple of rows away in the parking lot so I could not hear what was said. Just the body language of those involved. Three young black men, dressed in hoodies were dragging several 30 gallon trash cans to a van. They were messing around as young guys often do. Out of the store, coming towards them at speed was a coatless male employee. The group did not see him but a tall, older African American man did. This gentleman must have stood a good 6’6”. I saw him say something to the white clerk who replied and the older man held up a very long sales receipt. The clerk retreated and the man joined what I then perceived to be his employees back at the van which, with because of all the writing and imagery, obviously was a company vehicle. So, what did I see? A classic micro-aggression by the white employee? Hell, there was a white guy dragging a cart containing a toilet in the same area. I didn’t see him interrogated. Or was it the clowning behavior by the hooded black young men which will immediately draw the attention of security in any retail store?

Sunday, February 13, 2022


Mr Red Bird

A couple of fluffers excavating for food



Big Bun 

We have three cottontail rabbits in residence here: one mature buck aka Big Bun and two smaller ones that we thought were siblings as we often see them hanging out together. Last evening, on a break from our film and a fire night, we saw the two younger rabbits engaged in a courtship dance in front of the big birch. About five feet from the Giving Stone, they were facing each other with maybe a foot and a half separating them. Either individually or in unison, they were jumping straight up and down. Now from what I have read, this often leads to jumping over each other and later the female rearing up on her hind legs and boxing the males ears and face. Often, coitus follows. 

Alas, it was not to be. As they were gazing into each other's eyes, our young lovers were interrupted by the unwanted presence of our giant resident Racoon, Goliath. He lives under the deck and had come out to see what was left on the Giving Stone buffet. The spell was broken and the younguns dashed off to safety. 

Another sign of the oncoming Spring and perhaps we'll see a new crop of kittens. Yep, that's what baby bunnies are called. I did not know this!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Jonathan Pie: 'Boris Johnson Is a Liar' | NYT Opinion
He feels like a British version of our Lewis Black.

Monday, February 7, 2022


Curious short that seems akin to Python with a dash of Finnish dry humour. Why does it exist? C considered that it could be an advanced piece for ESL (English as a Second Language) to refine skills-not only explaining something but doing so in an understandable manner. Tenses, verbs for someone whose language does these things differently than in English, can be pretty tricky.
Are there follow ups such as how to hold a cup, how to take a drink from a cup, how to pour liquid into a cup? The possibilities are endless.

Sunday, February 6, 2022


A sure sign of the coming Spring-Mr Stampy is up and about. Skunks do not hibernate-they hunker down in their dens during the worst of the cold and snow. Here, usually in early February, regardless of what the Groundhog says, they emerge to find some chow and a lady skunk in order to make Lil' Stampies. By May, we'll have the little stinkers around.

Thursday, February 3, 2022




My first reaction, early morning before the caffeine had kicked in, that somehow this was an Onion article. Nope. 

Crazy times, my friends.