Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trafficker of Despair

 Periplaneta Insuasum Trumpi
 That which flees from the light of truth and reason.

I was reading a New York Times article concerning the efforts of the people and government of Iceland to address the rapid changes in their country due to climate change. Their president, Gudni Johannesson said "Let's look at practical solutions instead of being filled with despair." My first thought was good on them to take this on instead of wasting time engaging in ideological wars and getting nothing done as is happening here. I then thought what a simple and great attitude--let's GIT R DONE!--to use a popular catchphrase from a good ole' boy comedian from 20 years ago. A very American can-do spirit we used to have or at least what we thought we had as part of our culture's identity myth. 

Not anymore. Despair and anger seem to be the common ailment throughout the country and the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is directly responsible. He obviously enjoys sowing despair-one could argue that he feeds off the negative emotions like a parasite. The more he can rile folks up, the stronger and better he feels.

This made me think of an old Star Trek (Day of the Dove) where the crews of the Enterprise and a Klingon warship are overpowered and manipulated by an alien who lives off violent emotions. Old deep-seeded prejudices and hatreds are inflamed in both crews at each other's throats until Spock figures out what is going on. He convinces Kirk and the Klingon commander to change their emotions and literally laugh the alien into a shrinking, impotent force that finally leaves that part of space.

We couldn't be so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. I was more of a TNG fan but that sounds like a great episode. What political situation was it a response to at the time, I wonder?
