Saturday, July 26, 2014

Who Knew Weird Al Was An EM?

Fabulous new video from Weird Al Yankovic parodying Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines".
My English Major wife is a fan with reservations, wincing at the political incorrectness and rather mean-spirited tone (she would never call someone a moron even when their essays are filled with homophone errors. And they do it "alot"). 
Grey Molly, however, feels people should just suck it up, get with the program and for Christssakes, learn the right way to use it's and its. Guilty as charged Molls, mea culpa.

1 comment:

  1. Response from the Chronicle of Higher Education: "Weird Al’s video has become a safe setting for thousands of viewers. It’s not a teaching tool or a stance. It’s a catch-all, a grab bag of nonstandard bits and pieces that people both use and find themselves uncomfortable with."
