Saturday, March 1, 2014

Katter tales

We've been getting visited by the neighborhood cats as of late. One, a new and rather large Black, we have named BB King aka Big Black Kitty. He's been showing up under the pool deck, on the back deck and I have seen him dive under the shed. Well, it's been bitterly cold and C didn't want him starving in case he's a runaway or abandoned katter. She put food for him for a couple of weeks. Evidently, the word got out and one of Bin's harem, Grey Tiger Fluffy Tail has visited along with her siren's song outside C's study:
M'oooooooooooooorrrrrrrooooooowwwwwww my precious Bin, where are youuuuuu??????

Hope springs eternal in this feline: last summer she would stop by and Bin would be sprawled in the grass and pay her no mind whatsoever. This is nothing new-Mr Suave (pronounced Swav-eh) is incredibly indifferent to the charms of the ladies. We've had a steady stream of broken hearts over the years. Poor neutered buddy!

We have dug and maintained paths so the crew can do their patrolling and I can access the birdfeeder. They can go out through the portal, around the garage, up the path under the birdfeeder, to the pool deck, cut back to the back deck and to the slider door. Now, from a katter POV, these paths must seem like canyons and Bin, our Director of Homeland Security, must have gotten trapped  and squared off against someone. Our bet it was BB King. One day last week I come home and Bin was all banged up. Wound above his left eye and a larger wound-in fact a pretty good gouge, behind his right ear. Poor guy-his earlier people had declawed his front paws so when it comes to fighting, he has to get in up-close and personal and either attack with his fangs or his back fighting claws. A real disadvantage. We immediately stopped putting food out and BB King hasn't returned-we think he was two-timing. Girlfriend, however, still stops by to croon.

Our Director of Homeland Security at his post by the portal.


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