Friday, May 17, 2013

Two Guys Talkin'

B-Oufff, these jumps are getting harder
J-Feeling your age today?
J-LOL yeah, I hear ya, man.(scratching an ear) I spent 2 days throwing mulch.
B-Ohhhh, a little to the left, ooooooooooooo
J-Feel better?
B-Mmmm yeah. Congrats BTW on the one year.
J-Thanks, man. That was a nice thing to post for us.
B-Our pleasure. We’re happy for you. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. You and Mom both like music and none of us can draw anything worth a damn for a card.
J- Good selections. I’m quite surprised. Molls? Who knew she’d go for a classic.
B-We were surprised too. Evidently, Molls lives up to her reputation as a voluptuary. She IS the only one who has had romance. She said she used to listen outside windows and watch people.
J-I knew she was a voyeur-not necessarily lascivious…
B-Oh yeah man, lascivious. Mom has no idea.
J-Reaalllyyy? Molls? That naughty girl. Who told?
B-Oh, she talks to me sometimes. I think I remind her of her son. Other times, I get my ears boxed. Tomi has verified.
J-What a minute, The Crazy Calico talks to you?
B-Yeah, sometimes she calms her ass down long enough to talk.
J-So, what is up with her hitting you all the time?
B-Well, I didn’t say she WASN’T crazy. She displaces big time.
J-Gawd. So, How did she come up with her tune?
B-You remember-Moonrise Kingdom. She heard French being sung and she was just smitten. She really misses Paris and all things French. Besides, Francoise Hardy is so retro and that had an appeal to Miss Fashion. She fantasizes a lot.
J-But neither of you have had romance.
B-Nope, just Molls. And pair bonding, romance and marriage and all those human things are frankly a bit beyond us. Not part of what we do. But, we know it’s about good things for you so we can acknowledge that much.
J-Hmm, it’s kinda what makes the world go ‘round for humans-more than simply perpetuating the species.
B-Yeah, we get that. All the volumes of material devoted to it-art, music, books, film-sheesh, a bit of an obsession if you ask me. And all that porn. Good grief.
J-We have big imaginations, lol. Thanks for your selection-you’ve been listening in to what I have have been playing.
B-Oh, I like the Civil Wars-good stuff although I do share your fondness of Gillian Welch.
J-So, do you remember the reception-you're the only one who made an appearance. Our socialite.
B-Sure-quite a day. Lots of changes-sheesh and a crush of people. The girls just hung out downstairs. You know Tomi-Miss “I'm So Afraid”. Molls stayed down with her for moral support.
J-It was a grand day. Weather was perfect-stuff pretty much went off without a hitch. We had some great friends helping out.
B-You and Mom happy?
B-You don’t fight like others in the neighborhood.
J-Well, that’s good to hear! Naw, we’re good. We have it good. We have work, a nice place to live and you Los Tres Amigos. (scratching an ear)
B-We’re happy too. How about some pate?
J-Sure. C’mon. Ouff.

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