Saturday, March 8, 2025


3/1-February is over! It was an exhausting month between the relentless snow and cold, being ill throughout and coping with the never-ending shitshow of the current vile regime. Now, March has always been my least favorite month-the bi-polar nature of the weather and the drab overall browness of the landscape. We've had days in the past week reaching 50° but today is barely in the 20's and there has been a lot of wind. But, the sun is warm and soon the crocus will be up.

Since late Fall, there has been a new squirrel in our neighborhood. Its tail is a bit scraggly so I wonder if this is the offspring of the BentTail clan. I haven't sexed it yet but it is fairly fearless-it will tolerate my presence when I go out to fill the feeder although very nervous, tail switching and vocal.

One of the new nutkins who appeared in late Fall-this may be a female

The snow is pretty much gone except in shady spots and parking lot piles.

For the first time in weeks I heard Mr. Jay. They have been around all season until that stretch of heavy snow cover. Now with the snow gone, he is back. On hearing his call, I immediately grabbed a handful of peanuts and flung them off the deck to the Diner. Curiously, I did not hear his usual double call from him when he sees the peanuts-one part thanks and one part "hey, honey-peanuts available at the Diner" call to his mate. But since we're getting close to egg making time, they have been busy. Males generally gather nest materials while females take care of construction. Perhaps Mr. Jay needed to fuel up as I believe he solely snarfled up the peanuts. I was hanging out with Bud on the couch surfing when I saw him come over to a birch branch closest to the house. He looked into the room and peered directly at me.

I took the hint: the buffet needed refilling.

C cleaned out the department frig and added to the buffet

Sunny but cool 

DHS keeping an eye on the apartments

Then came in and curled up for a well-deserved nap

3/8-A dusting of snow overnight left the rooftops, drives and street painted white. Meanwhile, the first crocus shoots have poked through the mulch. With temps next week in the 50s and 60s, I believe we shall hit a long-standing benchmark of crocus blooming by St. Paddy's day.

Curious marketing for a frozen pierogi:

Oh-My-Gawd, you finally bought me! I've been waiting sooo long!


US military firsts among the 26,000 images flagged for deletion in Trump DEI purge.  Among them is this:

Yep, the famous B-29, named for the pilot's Mom, that flew the first atomic attack in history to Hiroshima. All because of Mom's name containing the banned word "gay".

What a bunch of maroons. You tell 'em, Bugs!

Winston Churchill, 1918

From Wiki: The Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War consisted of a series of multi-national military expeditions  that began after the Armistice of 11 November 1918, to help the White Russian forces in the Russian Civil War against the Bolsheviks. After the Whites collapsed, the Allies withdrew their forces from Russia by 1925.

This effort was adamantly supported by Winston Churchill and looking back at the failure of the Allies, he said:

“I think the day will come when it will be recognized without doubt, not only on one side of the House, but throughout the civilized world, that the strangling of Bolshevism at its birth would have been an untold blessing to the human race.”

When I came across this, I thought: here we are again. We have with Trump and Maga, an entity that needs to be snuffed out in its infancy to save our democracy and quickly end the suffering that has been inflicted in this past month.


At 2:51, this tornado begins to form a large white skirt akin to an image of a whirling dervish

 Go to 1:57