Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Two Guys Talkin'

Bin-(jumping on couch) ouufff-getting old, man.
Jeff-No shit, bud. Come warm your old bones by the fire.
B-(sigh) You bet. How are you doing?
J-The usual. Meds are waning. 
B-Gawd, aren't we a pair of old guys? You gonna change the title of the blog?
J-Hell no. How was patrol? You weren't out long.
B-Nothing going on and it's cold and I'd rather be in here. Mom in bed?
J-Yep. The girls are conked out by the tree.
B-(sniffing) Whatcha got there?
J-A wee dram of Drambuie.
B-Damn, dude, I can see the fumes rising off the glass!
J-Mother's milk.
B-Man, helluva year. We're falling apart, the world's falling apart.
J-Yeah, it was. (shifting with pain spike). I can't do what I used to do. It sucks.
B-Want some cheese with this whine? 
B-I know-can't jump like I used to, barely can eat kibble. Stiff in the morning. My kill count is way down.
J-Much to the relief of the small neighborhood critters, I am sure. But, it could be worse-I tell myself this every morning. Still...
B-Here, let me purr you better.
J-Thanks, buddy (scritches behind ears)

They watch the fire. The only other light in the room are the tree lights in the adjacent library. Jeff pulls on his drink. Bin raises his head and his ears move forward.

B-I hear bells.
J-What? Church bells? It's midnight already?
B-No, small bells, jingling.

A thump is heard on the roof.

B-(looking up at the ceiling) He's here!
J-What? C'mon, there's no...

Tomi-It's Santa! It's Santa! The little calico is dancing on her hind legs.

A large, bearded figure, lit by the tree lights, has appeared in the library with a large sack. He is bending down, petting the calico and chuckling.

Santa-Well, Thomasina, how nice to see you again. You have been such a good girl this year.
T- I know! I know!
Molls-Bonsoir, Monsieur.
J-Did I just see Molls do a kitty curtsey?
B-You sure did! Unbelievable!
S-Bonsoir, Madame. You have been good this year as well. Let's see, I've got something special for you both. 
T-What is it? What is it? (she is twining around his legs)
S-Ahh, here we are. 

He pulls out of his sack two small, foil topped containers. He removes the foil and the warm, mellow aroma of fish wafts though the room as he sets them down on the floor.

M-Oh my goodness!!!
T-It's from the lady in the blue house!!

The calico and the grey settle down to enjoy their savory treats. 

J-What is this about?
B-When they were young and establishing their territory in Montrouge, a lady in a blue house would put out a treat for them. Homemade and delicious. It's a kittenhood memory.
S-That is my speciality, lads. He is standing by the fireplace warming his hands.
J-Care to sit down for a bit? 
S-Thank you, that would be nice. 
J-Would you like a dram?
S- I won't say no. 
Jeff fetches another glass and pours about 2 fingers of the Scottish liqueur. 
S-(taking a sip) Ahh, mother's milk. (settles back into the couch)
B-(sidemouths) He's another one of you!
J-So-what do we call you? Santa? Nick?
S-Whatever you wish.
J-What brings you here for an extended visit? You have quite a night ahead of you!
S-Well, I picked up some time over Washington DC-lots of quick deliveries of lumps of coal. A lot of very bad boys and girls in those parts, I can tell you. I heard you two were ailing so I thought I'd stop by and take a break. Good to see you again, Bin. I think the last time was when you were a Vatican cat.
B-That's right!
S-Then, you know the routine-birth, life, old age, death, rebirth. Getting old isn't easy but you know what is coming. It's these humans who suffer so much. They don't remember their pasts.
B-Yep. Jeff here is having a tough time.
S-There is nothing to fear, nothing to doubt, my friend.
J-How has it been for you?
S-Well, it's different for me-I am timeless.
B-He is all that is good and magical in the world.
J-So, you aren't Jesus?
S-(laughing out loud) No, no. I'm much older. Your species have always gathered at this time of year.
J-But I thought you didn't exist until the early Victorian era.
S-True-in my current manifestation. 
S-BTW Jeff, I remember your mother well, She really loved the holidays. You know her favorite tales, and they are true, that her father went up on the roof to tamp out reindeer tracks for his children to see. And she loved putting out the kettle of tea with a plate of cookies for me. Man, that woman could bake! The nice touch was leaving a cookie behind with a bite taken out of it with plenty of crumbs on the plate. She was very creative.
J-Yeah, she was. I remember this. Miss her.
S-Yes,I am sure you do. But memories, good memories, help sustain us. Through good times and bad. Even times like these.

A quick couple of thuds and a jingle of bells are heard from the roof.

S-Well, lads-that is my navigator saying that I must be on my way. The night is early. Thank you for the dram and the nice fire. It will be a good new year for you both. Chins up, lads!
J,B-Thanks, Santa!
S-Check your stockings, I left you something to enjoy tonight.

He walks into the library, past the snoozing calico and grey and vanishes into a darkened corner. Soon, a clatter of bells is heard that slowly fade into the background.

B-Indeed! So, let's check out the stockings.
J-Do you always think of food?
J-Ok, here is yours I would bet-what do we have here-hmmm, another foil wrapped container. (opening)Hmm,mildly fishy and looks quite savory.
B-(sniffing) He really outdid himself! My favorite dish from my Vatican days. I told you our cook would make me a special dish-ohhh anchovies and cream. (settles down to eat) Mmm, a bit of heaven. What do you have?
J-Mozarts-hazelnut and chocolate candy. Nicely wrapped in foil bearing the great man's image.
J-You know, it was First Wife who introduced me to these. Used to buy them in this shop in Frandor called Grande Gourmet. They had this tiny bar in back that people didn't know about. We'd have the place to ourselves and get shit-faced, lol. Home was nearby. We were young.
B-(licking his whiskers) You've been thinking about her haven't you? Coming up on a landmark.
J-Yeah, 20 years since her passing. She was so sick on that final Christmas. I remember taking her out for a drive one evening to look at the neighborhood lights. Damn.
Bin-Well, food and memory all come together this time of year. One celebrates the giving to others-it is about the love folks have for each other. The feasts celebrate what one has  going into the dark, lean times of Winter. And that the sun is returning and a rebirth of the land in Spring. It is the way of things. You know this, gardener, son of gardener, grandson of farmer. Ohh, man-that was delicious.
J-Mine too. I hope the old gentleman is right about the new year. I'm tired, man. 
B-Me, too. But, not ready to move on yet. You?
J-Nope. Well, I'm going to toddle off, take some meds.  Want another log on the fire?
B-That would be nice. See you in the morning, old man.
J-(laughs) See you in the morning, old cat.